Conference Program
Oral presentations are grouped by session topics. The session times and titles, as well as the corresponding oral presenters and the titles of their presentations, are listed in the conference agenda.
Poster presentations have been randomly assigned to one of three poster sessions: A, B, and C. They take place on Thursday evening, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning, respectively. The table at the end of the conference program provides a list of poster presenters, their topic, the title of their presentation, and the poster session they have been assigned to.
To check when your oral presentation or poster session is scheduled, see the program for the 2019 Graduate Climate Conference below:
General Guidelines
The goal of this conference is to foster conversation across a broad range of climate research. We would like to emphasize that your presentation (whether a poster or talk) should be pitched toward a GENERAL CLIMATE RESEARCH audience. The conference participants constitute a diverse collection of researchers from a variety of disciplines, so please take time to explain (or, better yet, avoid) technical jargon that might be unfamiliar to your colleagues.
Focus on large figures instead of a lot of text and try to avoid small fonts, no matter whether you are giving an oral or a poster presentation.
Your session chairs have set up a Google Drive folder to collect presentations and posters for the conference. If you uploaded a draft, your session chairs will look over the presentations to give suggestions to make the presentations accessible to a general audience. Please upload your final presentation or poster by 12:00 pm on November 6th (especially important for presentations!).
Oral Presentation Guidelines
Oral presentations should be 12 minutes long and will be followed by 3 minutes for questions.
The session chairs will give a brief overview talk at the start of each session. If there are 1-3 major concepts you think are important for the audience to have in mind before hearing your presentation, please send them to your session chairs. They may be able to incorporate them into the overview talk.
For any presentations that are provided in Google Slides or newer versions of Microsoft PowerPoint, we will turn on automatic closed captioning to improve the experience of people that are hard of hearing or sit in the back. All speakers will be provided with a microphone.
Poster Guidelines
Our poster boards are 48 inches by 48 inches, so posters should be no larger than this size.